

Argument Service Platform With Integrated Components

ASPIC is focused on knowledge-based services for the Information Society, based on semantically rich logic formalisms called Argumentation Systems. Over the last ten years, interest in argumentation has expanded dramatically, driven in part by theoretical advances but also by successful demonstrations of a wide range of practical applications.

ASPIC developed a common framework to underpin the services that are emerging as core functions of the argumentation paradigm. These include reasoning, decision-making, learning and communication. The end goal is a suite of software components based on this framework and a development platform for integrating these components with knowledge (e.g. semantic web) resources and legacy systems. ASPIC provided a sound basis for discussions of technical standards. ASPIC stresses the need to establish a formal foundation to support the creation, deployment and validation of practical argumentation systems and the core components developed using rigorous software engineering techniques.

The consortium included partners experienced in using argumentation systems in e-Health, e-Commerce, e-Government applications and these scientific areas provided practical domains for testing and validating technology components. Towards the end of the project, the complete ASPIC platform used to demonstrate at least two large-scale applications in knowledge management for product development. The consortium included leading European researchers and experienced industrial partners with unrivalled technical competence and track records.