Luigi Ceccaroni

Luigi Ceccaroni pic
Luigi Ceccaroni is adjunct professor of Artificial Intelligence and researcher of the Software Department (LSI), at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) (Barcelona, Spain) and director of research at TMT Factory(Barcelona, Spain). Luigi obtained a BSc degree in Environmental Sciences (first class honors) from the University of Bologna (Ravenna, Italy); an MSc degree in Information-Technology Languages and Systems from UPC; and completed his PhD in Artificial Intelligence (first class honors), with a thesis entitled "OntoWEDSS - An Ontology-based Environmental Decision-Support System for the management of Wastewater treatment plants", at UPC in December 2001.
His main research interests combine: ontologies; software agents; Web services; the semantic Web; interactive television; personable, attentive personal-assistants; and application of artificial intelligence in environmental sciences. In 2001-2003 he has worked as a member of research staff at the Network Agent Research (NAR) group at Fujitsu Laboratories of America; as a member of NAR, he shared the vision to enable software, individuals and organizations to confidently collaborate on shared tasks and transactions in the context of the public Internet. In 2003-2006 he served as lead of technical activities in the @LIS TechNET project, to develop an Advanced Technology Demonstration Network for Education and Cultural Applications in Europe and Latin America (ALA2002/049-055/2209), with a total budget of 2.5M €; and in 2004-2006 he was the coordinator of the IntegraTV-4all project, to develop interactive television for blind people in Spain (FIT-350301-2004-2), with a total budget of 1.2M €. []

The h-number of L. Ceccaroni is 7 (max citations = 46). 

Vinculació (UPC)

Data d'inici

Data de fi




Dedicació (h)

19/11 2003 

31/08 2005 


Escala 1 - grup 1 

Laboral temporal 


01/09 2005 

31/07 2009


Professor associat 

Professor associat 

6+6 + 10 (recerca)


Adscripció funcional (UPC)


270 Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB)