

Rapid Application Innovation for SMEs

Organisations today are faced with massive globalization, demanding customers with rapidly changing desires, shrinking response times, shrinking product lifecycles and demanding employees. This requires organisations to become fast, flexible, participative and focused on customers, competition, teams, time and processes.


Integration is an important issue for SMEs who are not only seeking ways to bring together disparate systems within the organization, they must also move to extend the whole commercial domain beyond the boundaries of the organization to include other technologies, their suppliers, trading partners and customers. Integrating SME’s systems with their customers and their trading partners will give SMEs greater advantages to compete with larger companies or their competitors.

An exhaustive assessment of Cloud Computing trends, markets and technologies, showed the need for the RAISME platform to be specifically tailored for SMEs. The RAISME platform is Open Source and forms the basis of a community consisting of individuals, teams and organizations working to build world-class and innovative services.

RAISME enables high-tech organisations with niche skills to rapidly build and scale innovative ICT applications. This is achieved through the collaborative use of advanced “mashup” technology and cloud computing. The RAISME SMEs are at the vanguard of a new business paradigm where the end-user becomes part of the product development lifecycle, thus accelerating it, and where collaboration allows faster exploitation of knowledge and productivity. Initial RAISME partners who have already developed state-of-the-art visualisation, optimisation and integration tools that will be able boot-strap a series of new applications and then deliver highly innovative knowledge services to the market.