Binding EU-Latin American IST Research initiatives for enhancing future co-operation

EU-LAT wants to promote the participation of Latin American research groups in academic and industrial projects within the Information Society Technology (IST) programme of the European Commission and to augment the awareness of the LA research and industrial communities regarding their possible participation in projects funded by FP6 and to stimulate their participation.

The aim of this project is to create an environment to encourage:

  • Joint EU/LA proposals in IST to be put forward to the FP6.
  • To enhance the actual Latin America and EU policies towards the formation of Human Capital. In particular, those regarding doctoral candidates, and the mobility of young postdoctoral and senior researches in both directions.
  • EU and Latin America industries to find new joint business opportunities.
  • To reinforce the research activities and groups in IST in Latin America.

Thus, the targeted beneficiaries for this accompanying measure activity are academic, public, commercial and industrial researchers and companies from the European Union and Latin America.